Create the Future You Desire & Deserve!

Self-Love and Empowerment Coaching for Women

Become a woman who knows what she wants.

You’re a woman who’s doing big things and going places, but sometimes you have those moments of self-doubt. You know you’ve got to get past it to accomplish the things you want to do.

Let’s be real. That’s a damn hard thing to do. But I’m here to help you get your shit together.

Maintaining commitments to others while deeply loving yourself is one of the biggest challenges that you struggle with as a woman.

Girl, are you sick of your shit yet?

If you’re exhausted from pretending to be superwoman and you’re ready to finally get it all together, I’m here for you. I’ll help you break through burnout and that stuck feeling, and I’ll support you through your journey of self-love and self-discovery. There’s no shame. We all have to start somewhere. I would love to whip you into shape, respectfully, of course. 

Download Your Free Guide:

A Simple Guide to Tickling Your Own Fancy

Ready to see some magic happen?

To the questions I’m asked the most, my response is more than likely going to be WRITE IT DOWN! Do a brain dump!

Pen and paper, white board and markers don’t care one of the other. Typing it on your phone or on a keyboard is not going to work for this. Write all the really great ideas, or the outrageous list of shit to do, on PAPER.

The stroke of the pen on the paper, the hand moving flawlessly. Add in the fact that your magnificent brain both the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere work together to help you comprehend, brainstorm, then magical creations unfold!

When you write you get all the thoughts on paper, it’s makes it easier to see and then makes it intentional. You then ignite the spark of possibility. Your brain dump then becomes your manifestation map and a visual reminder of the incredible journey where shit is about to get real!

It's about purposely prioritizing putting you first, past the shame and other peoples' opinions (OPP), and pulling out a long list of what truly tickles your fancy.

So last thing… what tickles your fancy?

Love Letters from Clients

Eden is some of the best company to keep. Having her in my corner has allowed me to tap into a part of myself I didn’t know I could access. I am a more elevated version of myself. I feel more confident in what I can bring to the table, I have an ability to name and go after what I want knowing I have been given practical tools and applications to grow myself. Eden is badass and her coaching is essential to have in your arsenal.

Lauren W


Eden is such an incredible human being, I feel sorry for anyone that has not been blessed to have crossed paths with this amazing woman. She is strong, smart, confident and bold. Just being around her you can’t help but soak in positivity and empowerment. Not to mention she’s funny as hell.


Working with her is a true blessing. She has taught me to live unapologetically as myself and to not hide my voice. I am allowed to have an opinion, I am allowed to take up space on this earth. She reminds me of this often. Eden is nothing but simply herself, but it’s rare to see someone live so authentically. It is beautiful and inspiring. I am so thankful to have Eden as one of my life supporters, knowing the continued growth and enlightenment that will continue to evolve.

Kristi C.


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